
Explore the Latest Innovations for Your Operations.
Umeter™️ Clamp floating within a circular shape with a slash of water on a blue background.

The latest metering breakthrough.

Umeter™️ N-Line floating within a circular shape with a slash of water on a blue background.

Refined. Traditional. Streamlined.

The Umeter™️ Clamp and N-Line products are enclosed with a spherical graph that represents their worth.

We Covered All Angles.

  • All Umeter™ models are NTEP-certified for use in all orientations, angles, and directions.
  • They meet AWWA C715 accuracy.
  • UL Certified and Listed:
    • UL 1951 Electric Plumbing Accessories.
    • UL 2043 Plenum-Rated Compliant.

Making Waves.

  • Umeter™ uses ultrasonic sound waves to deliver highly accurate measurements, even at low velocities.
  • None of the Umeter™ products have internally moving parts, meaning less maintenance on your end.
  • Sounds great, right?
A surreal image of a Umeter™️ Clamp that is caught in water waves that are designed after sound waves.
Both the Umeter™️ Clamp and N-Line float together on a blue background being wirelessly connected to a smartphone and a laptop.

A Seamless Mobile Integration.

  • Umeter™ offers three outputs.
  • Manage and track your flow data remotely with wireless multi-device connectivity.
  • Smart Protocols share your meter's current status so you don't have to physically visit.

Exclusive Supplier and Ordering Details.

Norgas is the exclusive supplier of Umeter™. With their unparalleled industry expertise, we trust their deep understanding of water metering to supply you with accurate and reliable metering solutions.

The Norgas logo on a white background.
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